April 6th, 2007


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Discussion (7)¬

  1. SeekingTruth says:

    ..or wombats. XD Love it!

  2. Jiyambi says:

    oooo, the statue looks so dramatic here, I like it!

  3. AataMartin says:

    hmm… maybe the statues’ reffering to Digger’s ‘hallucinations’. You know, those creepy eyes that wanted to eat Digger on the second page… and have a strange affinity to purple?

  4. AataMartin says:

    hmm… maybe the statues’ reffering to Digger’s ‘hallucinations’. You know, those creepy eyes that wanted to eat Digger when she was lost the cave system… and have a strange affinity with the color purple? Or purple ink to be exact…

  5. AataMartin says:

    oops… well, I certainly didnt hit enter on the first message but I guess my computer did… my bad.

  6. Kisame says:

    I know the statue is god hand or something like that but how did the lighting change so fast?

  7. Kelardry says:

    Glowsticks and unhappy snails, in a temple. (*nods sagely*)
